Tongue Cleaning for Bad Breath
Oral malodor experts tell us that tongue cleaning for bad breath is the single most important preventative step we can take. Why? Because the offensive odor associated with bad breath is produced by bacteria living in the mouth and vast numbers of these bacteria actually live and reproduce on the surface of the tongue. Many details are still unknown about halitosis causes and cures, but this much is documented scientific fact.
The relationship between halitosis and tongue bacteria came to light as soon as it was understood that anaerobic bacteria – just one group among the many types of bacteria that normally inhabit the mouth – produce foul smelling volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) as a byproduct of protein metabolism. Anaerobes thrive in locations where there is very little or no oxygen: decreasing the number and area of those locations decreases the number of anaerobes and is the basis of the logic that tongue cleaning for bad breath is effective.
The architecture of the back of the tongue provides ideal habitat for anaerobic bacteria. There, the tongue surface is grooved and divided creating deep crevices where anaerobes produce halitosis and tongue coatings of mucous that help to protect these bacteria from harmful oxygen. Tongue cleaning for bad breath not only removes the mucous, exposing more surface area to oxygen, it also physically removes a lot of the bacteria. In an otherwise healthy mouth, this may represent the majority of anaerobes that are present.
Tongue cleaning for bad breath involves either gently brushing or scraping the surface of the tongue, especially the area furthest back. If you open your mouth and extend your tongue, you will likely see a whitish coating toward the back – this is the coating you need to remove. Proceed gently so as not to damage the delicate tissues of the tongue – some people use a toothbrush and scrub gently; others use a small inverted spoon, but you can also purchase tongue scrapers designed specifically for the task of breaking the cycle of halitosis and tongue anaerobes. If you suffer from halitosis and intend to make tongue cleaning a regular habit, the minimal cost of a tongue cleaner is well worth it.