Friday, June 30, 2006

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Halitosis Bacteria

Halitosis means bad breath. It’s a common problem that is usually caused by halitosis bacteria – a group of bacteria that live in the mouth, getting nutrients from various protein sources found there. These proteins come from dead cells (cells that line the inside of the mouth that are shed and replaced on an ongoing basis), blood cells, food particles, other microorganisms, and other proteins normally found in saliva. Unfortunately, some of the bacteria that live in the human mouth create bad smelling sulfur compounds when they break down protein - compounds that we refer to as volatile sulfur compounds (VSC).

In instances where it’s caused by bacteria halitosis is literally the odor of VSC. Think of the smell of rotten eggs, or the sulfur whiff you get when you strike a match. These are sulfur compounds as well, although they are not necessarily caused by halitosis bacteria in these situations. People pretty much universally dislike the smell of sulfur, so to have it on your breath is a social problem.

Most of the halitosis bacteria live on the tongue, although they may also multiply between the teeth or in creases and pockets formed in the gums, especially in an unhealthy mouth. Poor oral hygiene and untreated gum disease are associated with foul mouth odor and bacteria halitosis. Bad breath is not always the result of lack of self-care however: healthy people who take good care of their teeth can have bad breath if they have lots of VSC producing bacteria living in their mouths.

In a simple uncomplicated case of bacteria halitosis, the key to getting rid of the odor is to get rid of the bacteria. Ideally, a bad breath remedy would selectively reduce the bacteria which produce VSC while allowing friendly non-VSC producing bacteria to move in and replace them. It’s important to have a healthy population of bacteria in the mouth because they actually keep our mouths clean and healthy for us. We can do without the halitosis bacteria, however.

Some over the counter remedies for bad breath aim to kill off VSC producing bacteria. Mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine and other antibacterial chemicals fall into this group. Natural remedies that claim to selectively wipe out halitosis bacteria are also popular. None of theses products provides a permanent cure for bad breath, however. When you stop using the product, the bacteria return, and so does bacteria halitosis.


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