Monday, July 24, 2006

      Featured Resource: FREE TheraBreath Trial Offer


There are a number of popular commercially available mouthwashes on the market today that contain bacteria killing ingredients. Examples of these are Listerine, Cepacol, Scope, Therabreath and many others. Typical ingredients for killing bacteria are chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride, chlorine dioxide, and sodium chlorite. The idea is simple: because uncomplicated bad breath is caused by the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth, an effective mouthwash will kill off these bacteria, prevent them from proliferating, and maybe even neutralize the bad smelling compounds that they produce.

If you suffer from halitosis, an antibacterial mouthwash will be an integral part of your oral care routine. In choosing such a product, there are a number of things you should watch out for. Products such as Cepacol and Scope contain cetylpyridinium chloride, an ingredient that has been shown to kill odor producing bacteria and slow the formation of dental plaque. Other brands contain chlorhexidine, another chemical proven to have the some effects. Unfortunately, formulations contain other ingredients that tend to interfere with the action of these antiseptic agents, so the effect in your mouth may not as pronounced as it might. Ingredients such as alcohol and glycerin also tend to dry out the tissues in the mouth and the tooth enamel, which leads to halitosis and sensitive teeth in some people.

The Cepacol brand name is perhaps better known for its sore throat remedies, and again, cetylpyridinium chloride is the ingredient added to kill off bacteria that are causing infection or simply colonizing the mouth and throat. As an antibacterial mouthwash, it seems to work moderately well when used consistently and incorporated with a regular routine of tooth brushing, flossing and professional dental care. If you achieve less than wonderful results, however, consider trying an antibacterial mouthwash that doesn't contain alcohol or glycerin.

Though products like Listerine and Cepacol have been on the market for many years, they have not solved the problem of bad breath, and ongoing scientific research continues to explore the causes of bad breath and the effects of antibacterial mouthwash. In recent years new theories have led to approaching the problem in new ways, and promising products have appeared on the market. They include the Therabreath products, which incorporate sodium chlorite and zinc, and 2 Phase Mouthwash, which uses olive oil to mop up bacteria in the mouth. If you are searching for an alternative to well known products such as Cepacol and Listerine, it's worth researching the theory behind these new products and the claims that they make about their ability to control bad breath.


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