Monday, July 31, 2006

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Stop Bad Breath

It's challenging to stop bad breath once it gets established. This is because it's produced by oral bacteria that are difficult to get rid of, and because there may be some chronic underlying condition that is supporting the problem, but which is equally difficult to clear up. Underlying conditions that support bad breath bacteria include periodontal disease, sinusitis, and post nasal drip, among other things. All of these things either provide nutrients for the bacteria or furnish them with perfect places to live.

The key to stopping bad breath lies in eradicating the oral bacteria that produce it, or at least reducing their number significantly. These bacteria are anaerobes: they live in the absence of oxygen and they thrive in the tiny grooves on the tongue, between the teeth, and in the pockets formed between teeth and gums in periodontal disease. They break down proteins in the mouth, like inflammatory cells found in periodontal disease and sinusitis, food particles caught in the mouth, or shed skin cells washed away in post nasal drip. It's difficult to stop bad breath when you can't stop providing food to these bacteria.

Stopping bad breath is not an entirely hopeless pursuit, however. If you have gum disease, you can see your dentist and get started on treating it. Sometimes sinus problems can be cleared with a little professional help as well. And though these things do take time, you can get on with stopping bad breath by establishing a routine of good oral hygiene that includes strategies to fight the anaerobic bacteria that produce bad odors.

Start with the basics: brush your teeth with a soft bristle toothbrush after every meal and floss between your teeth every day. Clean your tongue - you can use your toothbrush or the smooth edge of a small spoon to do this, but there are also commercial tongue cleaners available. You'll need to add a good mouthwash or mouth rinse to effectively stop bad breath. Choose one that acts on the bacteria in some way: there are a number of products that do this so read labels and package inserts. Some producers have come up with new and novel approaches, so if you've tried all the common ones without succeeding in stopping bad breath, try one of these newer products. They are easiest to find on the internet, so you can shop around without visiting endless stores.

Don't expect an instant permanent fix: even if you do stop bad breath quickly and easily with the right oral product, it's likely to recur when you stop using them, especially of an underlying problem still exists. Plan on continuing your oral routine long term.


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